Now it’s time for the fun stuff! I’ve already shared the nuts and bolts behind my twin boys’ closet, which you saw in the August issue of Better Homes and Gardens, but what I haven’t talked about is how to put the FUN in functional.
I often use decorative bins and baskets to organize, partly because they look great, but mainly because it couldn’t be easier to stash your stuff. Will my twins neatly fold or hang their costumes or Build-A-Bear clothes? Not a chance in h-e-double-hockey-sticks. Will they throw all of that into a bin, especially if there’s a big ole sign telling them exactly where to put it? As the Magic 8-Ball might say, the outlook is good!
I love The Container Store’s rugby striped bins, and you’ll spot them in more than one of my projects. In my twins’ closet, they are filled with stuffed animals of all shapes and sizes. Pin a label of any sort to the bins, and you are good to go!
One of my favorite “non-basket” baskets is a colorful beverage tub. Because beverage tubs are generally made of steel or aluminum, they are stronger than an average woven basket and able to withstand heavy-duty use. Even better, they can be labeled with magnets!
These magnetic dry erase “talk bubbles” are both adorbs and perfect for the job.
What works as a catch-all, but doubles as a travel bag? Why, the L.L. Bean Boat & Tote bags, of course. Even better, there are so many different colors that you can color-code your kiddos here, too.
Land’s End also makes an awesome version. The medium zip top tote fits everything my twins need for a sleepover or a quick weekend jaunt, and it couldn’t be easier to Grab & Stuff. Need even more room? Be sure to check out the storage sizes, which have broader bases.
Last but not least, I used temporary wallpaper to add some pizazz. A plain white closet is soooooo very boring, and if there’s one thing you aren’t around my kiddos, that thing is “bored.” I swear Twin B uses more words in a day than I do in a week.
My Sparkler fabric pattern — shown above with that beyond-precious set of boy/girl twins — made a fantastic wallpaper … and if I ever get tired of it, I simply peel it off! The best part of an all-over pattern like Sparkler is that there’s no need to be overly precise about matching the repeat — and this is coming from a girl with major OCD tendencies. Using Sparkler temporary wallpaper in a closet is one situation where close is good enough!
With a closet like that, who wouldn’t want to get dressed in the morning?
All product photos via their respective websites. Top photo by Rachel Shingleton for TZD. Bottom photo by Firewife Photography for TZD.
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