September 7, 2011

“word to the wise” wednesday: ippolita

1% of everything is sublime.  The hard part is editing out the other 99%.

Ippolita Rostagno

Ippolita may be a jewelry designer, but — in my book — truer words have never been spoken in interior design.

Do you enjoy editing?


  • Luciane at
    Sep. 07, 2011
    Hello Traci! This week is being crazy to me too. The kids are starting school and so many things goes with that, as you know. I love these rooms. Fabulous and the quote is so honest and truthful. "Editing" is our job! :-) xo Luciane at
  • Tawna Allred
    Sep. 07, 2011
    Love editing! In fact, that's really ALL we do.....I really doubt I can come up with a "new" design. It's all been done before. So that leads us to editing what fits and what doesn't. And less, I think, is always better than more (unless a client demands that of course :). Have a wonderful day! Tawna

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