February 1, 2012

“word to the wise” wednesday: coco chanel

I don’t understand how women can leave the house without fixing herself up a little.  If only out of politeness.  And then, you never know, maybe that’s the day she has a date with destiny.  And it’s best to be as pretty as possible for destiny.

— Coco Chanel

I’m awfully glad Coco never spotted me at Harris Teeter around midnight with spit-up on my shirt.  When my boys were tiny and I was having a rough day, though, I would get myself dressed up (hair and makeup), put cute outfits on my twinkies and head to the mall to walk around.  It always made me feel better to have people oooohhh and aaahhhh.

“Your boys are so cute!” “You look amazing!” “I don’t know how you do it.”  Even if I had to leave the mall when one of them spit up all down my pants.  True story.

What makes you feel better?

Quote from Coco Chanel via the Bringing Pretty Back blog.  


  • quintessence
    Feb. 01, 2012
    And I always hope no one sees me on my 7:15 am grocery store runs after I've dropped my daughter at the train!! But it's true - I do feel better when I make that little extra effort! And Coco is of course right - you never about that date with destiny!!
  • Amanda
    Feb. 01, 2012
    My new YSL lipstick! I swear it the perfect spring shade to add life to just a pair of sweats! Xoxo.
  • Jennifer Brouwer
    Feb. 01, 2012
    Coco said it best!! However the best thing a girl can ever wear is SMILE!! Love you and your fabulous blog xo
  • Lisa Mende
    Feb. 01, 2012
    OMG! There are times when I am at a client's house in my LuLuLemon! Coco would die! haha! I do prefer to be dressed but there are days that I can only get a workout in between responsibilities so I go for it! Enjoyed this post! I hope I see you at the mall sometime! We should have lunch!
  • Holly
    Feb. 01, 2012
    I need to work on this more especially on the weekends, but I love getting dolled up. I like to treat myself to new makeup, new shoes, a new bag, fresh flowers - you name it. I think I might do one of these tomorrow in fact.
  • designchic
    Feb. 02, 2012
    First, the image is gorgeous. I could be scary in the grocery store at 7:00am, but anyone with twins gets a pass. With a 4month old grandson, I think all the time about people with twin and triplets. My daughters best friend is a triplet...yikes!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Traci, and I may even go shopping now!!
  • Rae English
    Feb. 02, 2012
    Please allow me to preface my forthcoming observation by saying that I adore Coco Chanel (what woman with an ounce of taste doesn't?), but let us all remember: Coco had no children. She was never pregnant and attempting to look fashionable; she was never post-pregnancy body, trying desperately to both avoid maternity jeans and squeeze her skinny jeans up at least past her kneecaps; she never had sour smelling clothes from leaky breasts or regurgitated milk; she never had a fevered baby who only found comfort in mother's smell, voice, arms, and love. We all feel better when we take time for ourselves to freshen up, but girls, when those babies are small (and I can't even imagine TWO babies) sometimes the daily freshen up means a dilemma between brushing your teeth and showering (where was dry shampoo back then?). I mean, I look a heck of a lot better on a daily basis now that my four babies have grown to 12, 16, 18, and 20. :D What made me feel better when my babies were small was Sunday mornings. For whatever reason, we all looked great walking into and out of church. If Wednesday was a mess, I knew Sunday was coming and I felt hopeful. Nothing like a little girl in her Sunday best: dress with a lovely sash and peter pan collar, a sweater with a bit of tatting on the placket, tights and patent leather shoes, and a big ribbon sweeping those blond curls to the side. Somehow I managed to clean up nicely, too.
  • The Vintique Object
    Feb. 03, 2012
    Oh whew! When I read the top of your post, I was thinking...Wow, Traci would be sorely disappointed in me should we ever meet! I think it's fascinating how different cultures perceive the idea of "dressing up" A good friend of mine from the South tried to explain to me that dressing up is a sign of respect for your friends, and hosts. Where I grew up in New Mexico, being dressed up -- especially if one is more dressed that the other people around, can be seen as acting uppity or better than others. As such, I've never felt comfortable being dressy. :) And certainly with three year old twins, it is still a challenge, although so much easier! Camille

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