April 14, 2013

sunday dreaming: lost in reality

You’ve probably heard the saying “comparison is the thief of joy.”  Well, I think reality — or more appropriately, “being realistic” — is the thief of dreams … and the trick is to dream anyway.

Graphic by Uncomfortable Soul via Search Quotes.


  • pve
    Apr. 14, 2013
    I always love your Sunday Dreaming.....I too find myself dreaming on a Sunday of all the things I love. I keep a journal and write down my hopes, my dreams and desires. It is amazing when we write them down, we find ourselves closer to the reality of the dream. I never dreamt I would be a mother of twins and now that they are 20, I dream of healthy grandbabies one day....we have time - but it is a dream. I also never dreamt I would have a daughter and she is my sunshine, my sons are my moon and the stars of my life. pve
  • Holly
    Apr. 15, 2013
    Dream big! I want my kiddos to dream big always. That goes for me too but I really want to pass that message to my children.

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