October 12, 2011

“word to the wise” wednesday: muriel brandolini

I believe that all of my inspiration comes from the fact that I have never been properly trained.  I have always let my mind run free.

Muriel Brandolini (as quoted in Vogue)

I’m so interested to learn this about Muriel … and her philosophy makes me wonder if we are all just a little bit too “influenced.”  Surely the best interior design is that which the occupant loves — regardless of whether it is considered “good design” by conventional standards (meaning yours or mine).

I don’t look at magazines, so I’m not up on what is going on out there.  It’s part of my gift — not being aware of what’s in.  I like to keep my mind free of those restraints.

Muriel Brandolini (as quoted in Elle Decor)

Do you feel restrained?


  • Luciane at HomeBunch.com
    Oct. 12, 2011
    The best quotes I've read here! I agree 100% with what she says. Good question, Traci. I feel a bit too "influenced" some times. I'm online every day and I get tired of seeing this all the time. It's important to clear our minds at times, take a break, say a big "NO" to the trends and follow your instincts instead of magazines. Have a wonderful day! xo Luciane at HomeBunch.com
  • kristie@thedecorologist
    Oct. 12, 2011
    So true! We are all so influenced by what advertisers are pushing, by what other people think. Sometimes it's hard to be true to yourself, even in your own home. Thanks for sharing!
  • Hannah
    Oct. 12, 2011
    This is so interesting, because I do feel as I become more knowledgeable about design, I feel less free, and start worrying about "rules"...
  • pretty pink tulips
    Oct. 12, 2011
    Isn't she fantastic?! Talented and unencumbered!!! I do at times feel restrained....maybe I should let things flow a bit more! xoxo Elizabeth
  • Lori @ Lori May Interiors
    Oct. 12, 2011
    Such a good point, Traci. I also feel that within the world of design and blogs, we all see so much and get so jaded. I really try and stick to what I love and pay close attention to what my clients love. Who cares if it's "everywhere"? If it makes you happy, that should be all that matters.
  • Amanda
    Oct. 13, 2011
    It really is such a great space for creativity!
  • Amy Vermillion @ Martineau Vermillion Interior Design
    Oct. 14, 2011
    Love this space...let the little minds expand! Inspiration comes from the weirdest places for me...I just have to remember to keep my eyes open!

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