February 10, 2013

sunday dreaming: handling disappointment

I had a pretty big disappointment recently.  It wasn’t something I expected … but it was such a dream come true to even think about it.   Today’s quote is a reminder to myself to keep dreaming, even when I feel discouraged.

Graphic via inhalepeace-exhalehate’s tumblr


  • Traci
    Feb. 10, 2013
    Thank you for the reminder as we all need it. I've watched you grow so much in your business and social media endeavors and you are certainly an inspiration for working moms. Chin up!
  • Jennifer
    Feb. 10, 2013
    Such a great reminder for all of us....thank you for having the courage to share and remind us all!! You always inspire me Traci!! Jennifer xoxo
  • Sherry Hart
    Feb. 10, 2013
    Traci....same with me but sometimes I have to turn it around and appreciate all the good that came from everything leading up to the event that didn't pan out. Though hard.....I realize sometimes its about the journey. Hope it wasn't too big of a disappointment :). Keep chasing those dreams....
  • Hannah Dee
    Feb. 10, 2013
    Sorry to hear, Traci. Big disappointments are trying, but sharing about it and hearing people's encouragment always does help!
  • Liz Carroll
    Feb. 10, 2013
    Hugs to you Traci. Remember though....with your dreams as big as they are, sometimes even getting part of the way there is HUGE. Keep dreaming....I know BIG things are in store for you! xoxo
  • Holly
    Feb. 11, 2013
    In a few minutes I'm going to be placing an order for a print I saw on Etsy for Sheila's room. It says "Onward and Upward" - my Mom always said this growing up and she still says it to me when she can hear disappointment or frustration in my voice. I thought it was only appropriate to continue that important phrase with my kiddos. Keep plugging away Traci!
  • Annie Vincent
    Feb. 11, 2013
    Oh hon. I am sorry for the disappointment. You are a wonderful talent and I know things will turn out for the best! HUGS!!
  • how to make a twin mom smile
    Feb. 12, 2013
    [...] [...]

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