November 13, 2013

“word to the wise” wednesday: lillian august

Land of Nod Greater Pyramid Blocks

Accessories create an intimacy that we need to express in our homes.  They tell a story.  But you have to get rid of things periodically because, as your life changes, your whole point of view changes.

Lillian August (Traditional Home, April 2013)

Having children is a pretty dramatic life change, wouldn’t you say?  Especially when they come in pairs!  Hankering for some child-friendly accessories for your “new” life as a parent?  The Greater Pyramid Blocks is technically an educational toy, but it almost looks like modern sculpture.  Solid wood, easily stored in its wooden tray, and chic cocktail table decor?   MOMs, it doesn’t get much better than that.  I say you purchase that puppy for Christmas and kill two birds with one credit card receipt.  Exactly how many metaphors can I mix, you ask?  Apparently quite a few.     

How do you decorate your cocktail table?

Product photo via Land of Nod.  


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