June 20, 2012

“word to the wise” wednesday: may daouk (again)

I use antique fabrics, but if they get damaged I just replace them.  Because I don’t want to live in a showcase.  I want to live in a home.

— May Daouk

This bedroom is shared by two of May Daouk’s boys.  Although the room is more eclectic than those I usually design, I love that May doesn’t feel confined to a “typical” boy room.

My twin boys have regular curtains and upholstered headboards in their shared room as well .. and I dread the day they ask for Star Wars sheets.  Children appreciate good design, too, you know!  One of my proudest moments may have been when my then-four-year-old Twin B asked why the hotel we were visiting “has that ugly red mulch.”   That’s parenting success right there, baby.

What’s your favorite kid + design story?


  • Cluny Grey
    Jun. 20, 2012
    I love this room; it's real, it's peaceful, and it's very chic without announcing itself as the latest from some catalog room. Wonderful, wonderful job! Hugs, Cluny
  • Annie
    Jun. 20, 2012
    I don't have a kid design story yet...except when I made a design board for my daughter (then 4) with her input http://houseonrene.blogspot.com/2012/02/girls-roomwith-room-to-grow.html She told me she wanted princesses and fairies....sigh.... Maybe she will come around. Or I will think up a new design!

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