April 18, 2012

“word to the wise” wednesday – lynda reeves

Magazines used to tell people to figure out if they were traditional, country, modern, etc.  But all that is passé.  Today, everyone wants a mix of some kind, with elements of both modern and traditional.  The question now is how modern, how minimalist, how edgy or how classic?

Lynda Reeves (Canadian House & Home, February 2012)


  • Annie
    Apr. 18, 2012
    Agreed it is all about the mix nowadays. Annie House on Rene ~honeycomb/peacock-mirror-is-back.
  • carol jane
    Apr. 18, 2012
    That bath room is beautiful. I want one of those tubs!! Yes, i love to mix, But I love coastal modern.
  • Lindsey / Pinklet and C
    Apr. 20, 2012
    Totally agree about mixing! Gorgeous photo. Would love to have that tub!
  • Mr. Goodwill Hunting
    Apr. 26, 2012
    That lucite side table is amazing! Mr. Goodwill Hunting

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