July 7, 2010

“word to the wise” wednesday: alessandra branca

 We’re returning to more classical-based interiors.  I feel people have learned that when the going gets tough, the classics are still the best place to invest.

Alessandra Branca (as quoted in Style at Home, May 2010)


  • pve
    Jul. 07, 2010
    Truly a home should be loved and treated as a child, to nurture and to nourish and to realize the investment. Wonderfully elegant homes look like good, honest citizens, that know how to behave. Stunning images, pve
  • Hickory Furniture Mart
    Jul. 08, 2010
    Love those pictures -- truly beautiful rooms. A lot of those pieces are pretty art-deco, which we've seen has become really popular! We wrote about it, if you're interested: http://bit.ly/d2x8uz
  • Maria Killam
    Jul. 08, 2010
    Love that last dining room!! Classic is timeless! x maria

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