September 20, 2009

once you choose hope, anything’s possible

What a wonderful weekend!  I was (or I suppose I should say, Traci Zeller Designs was) the presenting sponsor of Charlotte’s 4th Annual Race for Fetal Hope 5K.  The Race for Fetal Hope is a national race series which benefits the Fetal Hope Foundation, an amazing non-profit organization that provides support and information, funds research, increases awareness, and is an outlet for leading medical information pertaining to fetal distresses and syndromes.  The Fetal Hope Foundation arms parents and medical providers with information and helps to save babies’ lives.

As my faithful blog readers know, I have three year-old twin boys.  I was monitored very closely throughout my pregnancy, but especially once my healthcare providers realized that Henry (Twin A) had low aminotic fluid and his growth rate was dropping off.  The boys were born exactly four weeks early by what I call a “sort of” emergency c-section.  I was at the ob/gyn on Monday, the perinatologist on Tuesday and in surgery on Wednesday morning.  Because Henry (who was diagnosed with IUGR, Intrauterine Growth Restriction) had zero measurable amniotic fluid and had not grown at all, my doctors decided it was safer for him to be out than in.  By the grace of God, and thanks to the excellent medical care that I received, Henry spent only a few short days in the NICU and is a healthy, happy toddler.  He’s still a little guy, but boy, is he feisty!

Unfortunately, not all families are as lucky as we were.  My heart breaks when I think about the little ones who don’t make it.  Traci Zeller Designs – and my family – supports the Fetal Hope Foundation in an effort to “pay it forward.”  I want all families to have the knowledge they need and access to the medical care they deserve, so that they can have hope – not despair – when facing the diagnosis of a fetal distress syndrome.

I am privileged to have been a part of such a fantastic event!  Thank you to Talitha McGuinness, the Race Director, and the Race Committee, for their hard work.  To those of you who participated in the race or who support the Fetal Hope Foundation in some other way, thank you.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Fetal Hope Foundation, I encourage you to visit its website.  The date has already been announced for next year – September 18, 2010 – so mark your calendar to join me then.

(By the way, the title of this entry is a quote by Christopher Reeve.)


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