February 22, 2012

“word to the wise” wednesday: thomas o’brien

I strive for a place to feel lived in and settled.  It shouldn’t look like a decorator just installed it.  …  As in dressing, you want things to feel layered and less than perfect.

Thomas O’Brien (Veranda, January/February 2012)

I’m a perfectionist by nature, so I struggle a bit with this.  What say you?


  • Karen Davis
    Feb. 22, 2012
    Love it and Thomas O'Brien!
  • Holly
    Feb. 22, 2012
    Right on Mr. O'Brien! I like his style too. I just picked up a sheet set from Target and very pleased with it.
  • Lisa Mende
    Feb. 22, 2012
    I like things to look lived in rather than perfect. That being said, I don't like my house to be messy at all.
  • diane
    Feb. 22, 2012
    I am with you Traci. I tend to like things just so in my home but I know sometimes that turns people off. I am sure if I visited your home, and vice versa, we would love how it looks because we could appreciate it. I have never been able to buy into the "imperfections" of my home the way some of the decorating blogs advocate but I also try to appreciate the fact that everyone is different and enjoy other people's homes for the personal touches it offers. I think we need a perfection interventione!
  • Liz
    Feb. 22, 2012
    Love your Wednesday posts Traci!
  • Annie
    Feb. 22, 2012
    I love Thomas O'Brien! I do like a lived in look but not overly cluttered if that makes sense!
  • The Vintique Object
    Feb. 23, 2012
    Gosh, that Thomas O'Brien. Love him. Hmm. I think I tend to be more on the cluttered and imperfect side of things. Wish I weren't, but well, I am. Camille

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